Questions and Answers

Q: Who is Seymour Holcomb?

A: I am a real person, the name "Seymour Holcomb" is not. It is a pen name to keep my privacy due to the fact that the internet is unforgiving in things going away. I picked it because of two older roads in the town (Seymour Avenue and Holcomb Drive). If you are not asking about the name and asking about the person, I am currently a student in Mundelein High School, and I was frustrated by the lack of resources in the history of my town; take for example, the Wikipedia page, Which is only 6 paragraphs long, and barely goes into any of the history past the founding of the Seminary.

Q: How did you make this website?

A: A lot of time with 'naked' HTML, Javascript, and CSS. It doesn't need to be any fancier than a basic static site!

Q: Why does your website look so dated? What's with the wood?

When I originally intended to design this website with a more "flat" and "modern" apperance, it looked really amateaur and ugly.

Q: Why don't you have a domain?

Domains cost money, and are more ephemeral than using a website that's been around for a while and lets me rapidly update my site without having to A. host it or B. create a github repository for every minor change.